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프렌즈 단어 friends season 9 episode 5 The One With Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner

 905 The One With Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner  

* So spooky, that’s all.

relating to, resembling, or suggesting spooks / spook : a ghost

* Ah, Claudia, aren’t you supposed to blow smoke up the boss's ass?

blow smoke up one's ass : give a gratuitous and insincere compliment, possibly to deceive. (Can be my, your, his, or her ass, but probably not plural, as in their asses.)

blow smoke : to say things that are not true in order to make yourself or something you are involved with seem better than it is <The team put on an unbelievable performance. I'm not just blowing smoke - they were great.>


* But if the rest of you want to light up, go ahead, it’s fine.

To ignite and begin smoking something, especially a cigarette, cigar, or pipe


* Happy humping!

the sexual act of pressing two bodies together


* Actually, in Oklahoma smoking is legal in all commune areas and offices with fewer than fifteen people.


cf. commune : A group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities <She went to California and joined a commune.>


* I just happened to know a lot of trivia about smoking in different states.

plural. details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value


* The woman has the nose of a bloodhound and the breasts of a Greek goddess.

* Oven cleaner! (sprays himself, reads label) Unscented!

not filled or impregnated with odour or fragrance cf. scented : having a pleasing smell


* Alright, the truth is, I soiled myself during some turbulence.

To lose control of one's bowels and accidentally defecate on oneself.

cf. soil : make dirty, particularly on the surface


* Three big fat cartons in two days.

thick, large <a fat book>

* That little fatso was a terror.

offensive slang. A fat person.


* Kick up your heels.

to do things that you enjoy


* The baby is fine, Now scram.

to go away quickly, leave a scene at once.


* Oh, holy molly, are we in a pickle now.

holy moly ; used as an exclamation to express surprise

pickle : an awkard or difficult situation

to be in a pickle : be in a mess, in trouble.


* Yes, they are expected presently. Yeah, yeah um, their arrival is in the offing.

presently : at once / at the present time = now.

in the offing : in the near or immediate future; soon to come. offing : the near or foreseeable future / the part of the sea that can be seen from the shore


* One needn’t worry, they shan’t be long.

= shall not


* One really does have a stick up one’s ass. Doesn’t one?

Describing someone very stern or strict. Often used to describe parents or authorities. <You know, you really have a stick up your ass.>

cf. have sticks up one's ass 도 같은 표현


* I’ve watched home movies of you eating ding-dongs without taking the tin foil off.


* Can we just drop this? I’m not gonna smoke again.

give up, abandon / discontinue


* Okay, well the super's not home.

superintendent 건물관리인


* What if she jumped out the bassinet?

/ˈbæs əˌnɛt/ 

* Please, just pull yourself together, okay?

to become calm and behave normally again after being angry or upset

* The eagle, however, misconstrues this as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talon.

misconstrue : mistake the meaning of, misinterpret

talon : the claw of a bird of prey

* Baby and bird, still ablaze, are locked in a death grip, swirling around the whirlpool, that fills the apartment.

ablaze : in the process of burning, on fire

death grip : an extremely tight grip caused especially by fear

swirl : to move in circles or to cause (something) to move in circles

whirlpool : an area of water in a river, stream, etc., that moves very fast in a circle


* It's frowned upon.

frown upon : to disapprove of something <Smoking is frowned upon in many societies.>


* If they ask me to move, I'll cave.

to cease to resist : usually used with in


* Alright, you don’t have to manhandle me.

to treat (someone) in a rough or physically harmful way


* Alright, is this really the way you want our baby to be conceived?

to become pregnant with


* For what it’s worth, I’m, I’m sorry.

even though it may not be important or valuable


* I shouldn’t have come down on you so hard about the smoking.

purnish or criticize very strongly


* He got so upset, he took off all his clothes, tucked his willy between his legs and cried out.

tuck : put or keep (something) in a specified place so as to be hidden, secure, comfortable, or tidy / to thrust in the loose end or edge of (a garment, covering, etc.) so as to hold closely in place (usually followed by in, up, under, etc.) <Tuck in your blouse. Tuck the edge of the sheet under the mattress.>

willy = willie : (아동어로) 고추


* Risotto with the shaved truffles and the roasted rip steak with the golden chanterelles and the Bordelaise sauce.

shave : to reduce to shavings or thin slices

truffle : 송로버섯의 일종. 푸아그라에 곁들임. oregon주에서 일년에 한번 나는데 훈련된 개가 찾아냄. 대부분은 이태리산.

(golden) chanterelle : /ˌʃæn təˈrɛl/ 살구버섯

Bordelaise sauce : [bɔ̀ːrdəléiz] Bordeaux[bɔːrdóu] 포도주로 풍미를 들인 브라운 소스

* Tomato tart and which of the pastas would you recommend?

* Appetizers, entrées, we don’t care.

[άːntrei] the main dish of a meal especially in a restaurant


* She spit up.

to bring food that has been swallowed back to and out of the mouth

spit- spit - spit, spit-spat-spat


* Look alive, Judy!

Act alert and responsive!


* Okay, I’ll have the fig salad and the duck.



* I suppose that Monica will have the manipulative shrew.

manipulative : exercising unscrupulous control or influence over a person or situation

shrew : an unpleasant, bad-tempered woman,

* You’re turning into an obsessive mother.

thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is not normal


* Di-did my, my little outburst blunt the hideousness that is this evening?

outburst : a sudden expression of strong feeling

blunt : weaken or reduce the force of (something) <their determination had been blunted> / (of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point <a blunt knife> / Having a flat or rounded end <the blunt tip of the leaf>

hideous : offensive to the senses and especially to sight, exceedingly ugly / Extremely unpleasant <a hideous monster> <She stuck her arms up into the air and laughed a hideous, horrible laugh.>


* But maybe you’re not ovulating at all, maybe this is just all her clever ruse to get me into bed.

/z/ a trick or act that is used to fool someone


* Huh, okay, I’m gonna take off.

leave in a hurry


* Mike got off work early.

=finish work


* Wait, I’m not the kind of girl that just ditches her friends to be with her boyfriend.

to dig a ditch or ditches in or around / to get rid of <I ditched that old hat of yours.> / to absent oneself from (school or a class) without permission or an acceptable reason. / to escape from <He ditched the cops by driving down an alley.>


* Our baby sitter just pounded another chardonnay.

pound : to drink or consume rapidly

chardonnay : /ˌʃɑr dnˈeɪ;/ a white grape used in winemaking. / a dry white wine made with this grape. 샤르도네(쓴 맛의 식탁용 백포도주)

* And once the egg descends into the fallopian tube...

  /fəˈloʊ pi ən/

* The shrew in particular was exquisite.

extraordinarily fine or admirable