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프렌즈 단어 friends season 9 episode 3 The One With The Pediatrician

   903 The One With The Pediatrician  

* So, what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for?

have someone do : tell or arrange for (someone) to do something for one 

* My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa

Lit. to get something pointed in the right direction. (Especially a herd of cattle or a group of covered wagons) / Fig. to be in charge of something; to be the head of some organization.


* Maybe you forgot, but we have tickets to the Jets game next week.

New York Jets. American football team.


* Yeah. Just to be sure I'm gonna call Dr. Wiener.

wiener : a sausage or hot dog. Because it's the phallic shape, the word is also slang for penis.

phallic : /ˈfæl ɪk/ of, relating to, or resembling a penis


* Hey, you said that without gagging!

to vomit or feel as if you are about to vomit. ex. 양치질하며 욱할 때. 여기서는 Monica가 Tulsa얘기만 하면 굉장히 싫어했는데 지금은 그렇지 않다고 챈들러가 좋아하는 상황임.


* Is it Rubella?

German measles 풍진 cf. measles 


* Her on the other hand, botched Botox.

to do (something) badly : to ruin (something) because of carelessness or a lack of skill

* Oh, maybe he was getting him confused with his childhood therapist.

= get him mixed up. 헷갈려하다


* Yeah, he used to have this recurring nightmare.

occurring or appearing again. / recur : to occur again, as an event, experience, etc. to return to the mind


* What? That's the kinda thing you usually run by me.

run sth by sbd : To tell, explain, or demonstrate something to someone


* Slim Pickings.

few choices, in general. Possibly, no choices at all. pickings = the things you have available to pick. <I've been looking for a job for months! Since the layoffs, it's been pretty slim pickings.> <Buyers who have waited for bargains at the end of the year will find slim pickings.>

slim : thin in an attractive way / small in amount, size, or degree <a slim chance of success>

cf. slim pickens : Means a small amount of anything. Could refer to anything, depending on the context in which it is used. <The annual company gifts were pretty slim pickens this year.>


* No, 'Slim Pickings', it's a barbecue joint.

An establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment


* Actually 'cook' may be a bit of a stretch. They're looking for someone to shovel mesquite.

stretch : [말, 규칙 등의]확대 해석

mesquite : or mesquite /mɛˈskit/ the wood of such a tree or shrub(콩과의 관목), used especially in grilling or barbecuing food.

* 'Slim Pickings'...That is so cheesy.

of poor quality : lacking style or good taste


* When we get to Tulsa I'm taking you for a great dinner at 'Slim Pickings'. 'So Cheesy'? 'Whole Hog'?

The whole way; the fullest extent(esp in the phrase 'go the whole hog') 여기서는 말 그대로 '통돼지 요리'정도의 의미로 쓰임.

go the whole hog : do something completely or thoroughly <went the whole hog and ordered dessert.>

cf. A pig is a hog aged ten weeks or less. A hog is a grown pig.

바베큐 가게 이름으로 잘 쓰인다.

* It's going to be tough to keep Kosher in Tulsa.

keep(eat) kosher : observe the Jewish food regulations

Kosher is a process of food production that adheres to dietary guidelines set forth in the Bible and clarified over the centuries by rabbinic authorities in Jewish law <eat kosher food>


* I think you just have a cold, it's definitely not Strep.

=streptococcus /ˌstrɛp təˈkɒk əs/ : causes various infections such as scarlet fever and pneumonia(폐렴).


* Yeah, that's because we had a bit of a falling-out. Mike hit my mom with a car.

a quarrel or disagreement.


* He's a brilliant diagnostician!

/ˌdaɪ əg nɒˈstɪʃ ən/ an expert in making diagnoses(/ˈdaɪ əgˌnoʊs/), especially a medical doctor.


* Diagnostician or boo-boo fixer?

a usually trivial injury(as a bruise or scratch) — used especially by or of a child


* Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your tushy?

/ˈtʊʃ i/ =tushie. the buttocks.


* Hey, I seem to remember someone bringing his security blanket to college!

an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations, or at bedtime for small children.

* That was a wall-hanging!

A flat decorative object, such as a tapestry, rug, or antique map, hung against a wall.


* Why did you go along with that?

give one's consent or agreement to (a person or their views).


* Well, like acoustic folksy stuff. You know? But right now I'm working on a couple of 'Iron Maiden' covers.

folksy : of or relating to folk art

Iron Maiden :

iron maiden : a medieval torture device

cover : a recording or performance of a song previously recorded by another performer


* Oh, you just caught me off guard.

to surprise someone by doing or saying something they were not expecting


* Excuse me, I don't mean to be a jerk, but the baby with the rash came in after me.

a group of red spots on the skin that is caused by an illness or a reaction to something


* Mommy, I can't find Waldo.

* I got held up at Dr. Gettleman's office.

to delay someone or something.


* Any chance you are trying to pick a fight to make all of this easier?

to start a fight or argument with someone on purpose.