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English for Fun

꼬꼬면 on Fox TV

The 10 Top Earning Bloggers In The World - therichest.com 에서 이 기사를 읽다가 재미있는 장면을 보게 되어서 올려봅니다.

5.Timothy Sykes: Monthly Income: $150,000 – $180,000 per month

If you want to learn how to make lots of money Timothy Sykes’ blog is what you should be reading. It includes inspiring articles about investment, finance, stocks, and the like. Sykes is incredibly smart when it comes to stocks. He is an expert, and makes around two million dollars a month from stock operations. This is on top of what he makes from his wildly successful blog — which is, apparently, like a side job. While some people waitress at night, Sykes writes one of the most popular, highest earning blogs in the world. Sykes’ story is inspirational in and of itself, as he started as a penny stock trader — a penny stock scam geek — and now he trains people and writes articles that help people around the world, and he makes millions doing it.

* penny stock :  Penny stocks, also known as cent stocks in some countries, are common shares of small public companies that trade at low prices per share. 우리나라 식으로는 동전주.

* scam : a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people

* geek : a person who is socially awkward and unpopular : a usually intelligent person who does not fit in with other people

아래는 FOX News 인터뷰 내용. 여기서 1분 쯤에 꼬꼬면이 등장합니다ㅎㅎ

Timothy Sykes는 아주 오래전에 우리나라 TV에서도 방영된 Wall Street Warriors라는 프로그램에서도 본 적이 있는데, 그때는 지금보다 훨씬 어린 모습이어서 처음에는 긴가민가 했지만 좀 더 검색을 해보니 동일인이더군요ㅎ 처음에는 아주 잘 나갔지만, 이후 헤지펀드를 운영하다가 실패하고는 트레이딩 교육으로 방향을 돌렸네요.

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2016 수능 영어 독해지문 출처(원서)  (0) 2015.11.26